Our Mission & Vision

Students At School

Our Mission

Glorify God by providing a Christ-centered and Classical education which equips students for lives of wisdom and virtue by teaching them to love what is True, Good, and Beautiful.

Students Reading

Our Vision

We aim to graduate young men and women who think clearly and listen carefully with wisdom and humility; who live in joyful submission to God and are able to discern good from evil. We desire our graduates to understand the Liberal Arts tradition, the interconnection of all things in Christ, and are prepared to be Christian, cultural leaders, all for the glory of God.

Our Vision Expounded

  • Parents have the God-given responsibility to train and instruct their children. We assist and serve parents in this endeavor by providing an education that reflects our shared Christian worldview.

    The goal of education is more than a mere transferring of knowledge and also includes the development of virtue in the life of the student.

    Our hope is students leave our doors not only possessing knowledge but also the tools of learning; and throughout their education have been taught not just what to think but how to think.

    We live in the tension humility and wisdom create. We encourage the motto ‘‘we know we do not know’ and strive to cultivate teachable hearts and minds while encouraging our students to become life-long learners. At the same time we teach against the agnosticism of our age which claims truth is unknowable or only personal. The world God has created is good and beautiful and the humble and wise can find and enjoy truth.

  • Building on ancient foundations we believe the path to true wisdom begins with obedience to God and his Holy word. This is not done begrudgingly but with hearts filled with the love of the Father, the Gospel and grace of the Son and the power of the Holy Spirit. Nor will obedience have any air of moral superiority but humbly submit to God as the ultimate standard in our lives.

    We see our task to be the cultivation of virtue among our students and to prepare them to enter society able to discern God's truth from worldly lies and falsehood. In accordance with the Christian tradition we acknowledge a battle raging between good and evil and seek to help our students, faculty, and parents to be instruments of truth, goodness, and beauty.

  • We receive the heritage and foundation of Western civilization and education with gratitude and seek to develop the tools of learning, specifically found in the Liberal Arts within the Trivium and Quadrivium.

    We emphasize the Trivium as also referring to developmental stages in a students life.

    We acknowledge the Liberal Arts tradition to include the development of the student intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually. A full Liberal Arts education will include physical training, philosophy, and culminates in theology as the queen of all sciences.

    Modern society is drowning in cultural and moral relativism and has lost the ability to debate charitably and with skill, ideas critical to education. A Liberal Arts education empowers individuals to engage in nuanced discourse, make independent judgments, and contribute meaningfully as informed citizens capable of recovering and actively participating in a free society.

  • We believe Christ is Lord and Creator, by Him all things hold together. All truth is God's truth and all subjects ultimately correspond to reality in light of God’s existence and the revelation of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

    We believe Christian education is more than a government school with a Bible class. Our students will be taught to see God in every subject and endeavor of the school. They will, for example, learn not only algebra, geometry, but how and why the laws of mathematics can only make sense in a world where Jesus Christ is Lord.

  • We adopt a 12-K approach which begins with ultimate objectives for each student and then designs each point in the curriculum to align with the final portrait of a graduate. Beginning with the end in mind helps cultivate a school where curriculum, values, policies, traditions, and culture contribute to the formation of character and intellect necessary for a graduate to lead and serve others.

    A classical education provides a student with skills far beyond what is necessary to go to college or get a job. A classical education gives you the ability to read well, think well, and speak well; skills foundational to be a Christian leader who shapes society for the glory of God.

If you are interested in a White Horse Education for your child, we would love to meet with you!