Why Classical Christian?

Classical Christian Education (CCE) is a time-tested educational system which establishes a biblical worldview (called Paideia), incorporates methods based on natural phases of child development, cultivates the seven Christian virtues, trains students in reasoning through the Trivium (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric), and engages children in “the great conversation” through the historical Great Books.

Briefly, the aim of CCE is to form the affections of children to be more like Christ and to love the Good, True, and Beautiful.

What is special about a Classical Liberal Arts Education?

  • Are all Educational models equal?

    Education is one chord in a three stranded rope along with Church and Family. When all three reinforce each other, a Classical Education becomes the key differentiator in the life, faith, and family outcomes of its graduates. In contrast, other educational models exhibit declining academic standards, a mass departure of young Christians from their faith, and historically low levels of satisfaction.

  • What makes Classical Education unique?

    Aquinas. Luther. Washington. Lewis. The West’s brightest minds, bravest reformers, and boldest leaders shared one key commonality: they all received a Classical Christian Education. This is because parents and educators across the millennia reached the same conclusion: CCE best feeds the mind, fills the heart, and nurtures the soul, through essential differentiators absent in even most modern Christian schools.

  • What does all that Classical jargon mean?

    Pai-dei-huh? Quad-rivia-wha? Don’t worry; it took most of us a while to really understand the definitions of these Classical terms and phrases. We’ll save you some time and point you to the best resources available to research at your leisure. It’s never too late to begin your classical journey. We believe in lifelong learning, children wondering at God’s Creation alongside their parents, mutually modeling and reinforcing virtuous habits.

  • Are the Liberal Arts actually "Liberal"?

    The Latin root “liber” roughly translates to “freedom” or “liberty”, so the Liberal Arts are the subjects a person studies in order to become an independent individual capable of thriving peacefully in a free society. Numerous studies have proven that private Religious schools, particularly Classical Christian ones, create more engaged and informed citizens.

  • How do you approach STEM?

    A moral education stands in contrast with mere vocational training. We don't just need skilled plumbers, doctors, and engineers, but also ones who are free thinking and virtuous. Classical Education, focused on the formation of the whole person, best prepares students to succeed in any endeavor they may pursue professionally, personally, or spiritually.

  • Is Classical Education outdated?

    Thanks to a renewal of ancient principles and a revival of faith, Classical schools are the fastest growing educational model in America. Over 2,000 year ago, Classical education was designed to cultivate virtuous citizens who could think critically, debate amicably, and love well. Sounds like we could use more of that, especially in today’s day and age!

Want to Dive Deeper into Classical?

Educating the Whole Person

Do you wonder why we are so passionate about Classical Christian Education? Because it isn’t just about cultivating knowledge, which is an admirable goal, but growing hearts to love others and love the Lord. We think the results speak for themselves. Explore the Classical Difference.

Cultivation of Virtue

American Classical Education renewal is on the rise thanks to organization like Hillsdale College and Great Hearts Academies. Virtue and Wisdom take deliberate effort to grow in any image bearer, and Classical Christian schools exist to partner with parents to grow these qualities in their students.

What are your goals for your children?

Do you want your child to be an independent thinker who fears God, loves their neighbor, pursues after Truth, and is passionate about Justice? If yes, then your goals may align with what a Classical Christian education can nurture in your child.

Men, not Machines

In stark contrast to a Classical Christian education, "modern progressive” government schools resemble a sterilized and efficient production factory, a model first developed to serve the militaristic and industrial goals of 19th century Prussian technocrats. The end goal was to manufacture not life long learners, but machines without an appreciation of the past, imprinting upon them the philosophical ideologies of those wielding institutional power, and constructing young people to accomplish the in-vogue social & political causes of the elites. This has produced what C.S .Lewis calls “Men without Chests.